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Graphic: Candidate attacks during the ninth Democratic debate

NBC News tracked which candidate was attacked the most (Mike Bloomberg), and the least (Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren).

Everyone went after Mike Bloomberg in Las Vegas.

The former New York City mayor was the most attacked-candidate, by far, during the Las Vegas Democratic debate. Bloomberg, who qualified for the debate one day before the debate after pouring millions of dollars into ads, was attacked by every other candidate on stage, taking heat from former Vice President Joe Biden on stop-and-frisk and from Sen. Elizabeth Warren on sexual harassment and non-disclosure agreements at his company.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who won the New Hampshire primary earlier this week, delivered the most attacks during the debate, sparring frequently with Bloomberg and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

The graphic below shows an overview of the night.

Read NBC News' live blog of the ninth Democratic debate, and see what happened in the previous debate in our eighth Democratic debate attack tracker.